Friday, October 10, 2014

CourseWork 1 - ECE107 (2Q AY2014-2015)

Coursework files must follow the naming convention: Surname-CW#-Section
Examples: Agustin-CW1-C11

Coursework 1 is due Sept 12, 11:59pm. Late submission will be given zero credit. Students must upload their submission on this link

Copy the questions and provide the answers after. Scan your answers to save it as an object or image file. You may emded the image file into Microsoft word and save it as a pdf file. Upload the pdf file on the link provided above.


  1. Explain the importance of the sampling theorem in signal processing.
  2. Differentiate the following: (a) continuous-time signal against discrete-time signal; (b) even and odd signals; (c) energy signal against power signal; (d) deterministic signal against stochastic signal
  3. Explain the different operations on signals and illustrate examples for each operation.
  4. What are the various type of signals? Provide illustrations.

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